For a number of years our business has been associated with the brand name “Trupine” particularly in relation to moulded timber products. Recently it was brought to our attention that Jenkin Timber LTD from New Zealand is the owner of the Australian Trademark registrations for the Trupine word mark and logo for timber products.
Our use of the brand Trupine has been substantially identical to and infringes Jenkin Timber’s trademark rights according to the Trade Practices Act 1974. Until recently being advised, we were unaware of Jenkin Timber’s ownership of the trademark in Australia and it has never been our intention to deliberately pass off or mislead the marketplace to the origin of our products.
Lindsay Meyers P/L is a family owned company that has been established in Brisbane for over 30 years. We are a reputable business committed to providing exceptional ongoing service and supplying quality products at competitive rates.
Effective 1 November 2006, we will cease association with the Trupine Brand. Our Website address will remain as
Our alternate domain name will no longer direct web traffic to our Lindsay Meyers website.
For all enquiries for tru-pine timber products please visit the jenkin timber website @
The team at Lindsay Meyers P/L thanks you for visiting our website and assures you our quality products and profiles will remain available by name with the exclusion of the “Trupine” wording.